Bangalore Samaj Grand Opening, May 3rd to 5th, 2013

Shri Halari Visa Oswal Samaj, Bangalore

Bangalore Samaj has sent an open invitation for the grand opening of the wadi on May 3rd to 5th, 2013.

Bangalore Samaj has built a fabulous five story wadi near Vimalnath Halari Jain Deharasar in Baseswara nagar (90% of Halaris in Bangalore live within three miles). It has provision for the hostel on the top floor with separate kitchen. Parking is in the basement. Dining hall with kitchen is on the lower floor. Next floor has a main hall with a capacity of over 1000 people and it opens to two floor for excellent view of the event. The two top floors has 20 plus rooms. The invitation and HVO Samaj Bangalore web does have artist’s rendering of the building from the outside.
The electronic link for the Bangalore samaj is


See below for the open invitation for the grand opening.

Download (PDF, 166KB)