Oshwal Chicago Christmas & New Year’s Gathering

The Oshwal families had Christmas and New Year’s gathering on December 29th 2013 @ Indian Harvest Restaurant, in Naperville, Illinois.
Approximately 15 people enjoyed delicious Indian Gourmet food. We all enjoyed catching up with each other in conversation, discussing our family in general.

We were joined by face time by Dipak Shah who was in Kenya during this day. The cold weather did not stop our love and bondage of our Oshwal spirits to this gathering. It is most certain in our small community that we look forward to be with each other. Our members already would like to meet again in Spring 2014 to the next Oshwal gathering.

This year we enjoyed the picnic in August 2013. Earlier we gathered during the month of May 2013 at Gaylord Indian Restaurant in Schaumburg , Illinois to an wonderful dinner, where we had approximately 35 people including our Oshwal families from our neighboring State of Wisconsin.
We had a wonderful time during this event.

I would like to encourage all our State Representatives in our Oshwal communities to meet every couple of months or 3 times a year, so you can all catch up each other, young and with our elders in the community. The sharing of ideas, knowledge, brotherhood, and sisterhood is so important to stay connected with our values, culture etc. We remembered our past family members, our new additional members born, the joy of belonging to a wider Oshwal family is so important. Please try in small communities as well as larger communities to stay connected with each other.
I can certainly appreciate the love and bonding here in Chicago within our Oshwal members. We would like to wish the same to all the other states to enjoy this feeling.

Thank you Oshwal families in Chicago for being big family.


Smita Dipak Shah
Oshwal State Representative,(Illinois)
Vice-President Oshwal Community USA.