Oshwal Directory Information

We try to keep addresses of all members up to date in our database so that when we are ready to publish the next edition of the Directory in 2004, we will not have to contact members to confirm their addresses.

Moreover, HVONA mails out newsletters and last time nearly 20 HVONA newsletters were returned because these members had moved and had not advised us of their new address. We encourage all members to inform us of changes to their addresses, additions to their families or any other changes or additions they would like to make. Also, please encourage other Oshwals and their families (we list all those whose one family member is of Oshwal origin) to list themselves in the Directory by visiting our web site and completing the Directory Update form under the Directory section at this website.

Satish and Surya Shah
4648 Hinton Drive
Plano, Texas 75024
Phone: (972)-618-9509.
E-mail: satishshah5@yahoo.com