Oshwal Report Newsletter – Fall 2003 (Issue 5)

Newsletter by Halari Visa Oshwals of America, Fall 2003. Oshwal Report Newsletter – Fall 2003 (PDF)

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Fats used in Colgate Palmolive Products

From: “Colgate-Palmolive Consumer Affairs” Dear Ms Shah Thank you for contacting us with your question. We appreciate the opportunity to provide information regarding animal fats used in Colgate-Palmolive products sold…

Congratulations to Ketan and Divya Dodhia (NY)

Congratulations to Ketan Dodhia (son of Manek and Madhu Dodhia of Suffern, New York) on his wedding to Divya Malhotra (Daughter of Rajendra and Arunaben Malhotra) of Windsor, Ontario, Canada….

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My Mother – by Sumati Shah

Link: http://www.movinghere.org.uk/stories/story88/story88.htm This story is a translation from a Gujarati article “My Mother” by Sumati Shah and it has a lot of depth and very moving information that we all…

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History of the Halari Visa Oshwals in the USA – an appeal for information

I am in the process of writing history of Halari Visa Oshwals in the USA in association with Dr. Rati Dodhia of Rhode Island who is writing history of Halari…

Jain Wedding Ceremony

Link: Jain Wedding Ceremony Jainism dates to 600 B.C. Jains, having shared the subcontinent with Hindus for more than 2,500 years, have developed a strikingly similar marriage tradition.

Halar map (English)

Map of Halar, with all names in English, according to 2001 Census. Villages in capital letters have Oshwal inhabitants. Villages in small letters do not currently have Oshwal inhabitants, but…

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Link: www.canvasartsinc.com Canvas Arts, Inc. is an industry leader in photo-to-canvas printing. Our unique printing processes and proprietary software allow us to take even a wallet-sized picture and enlarge it…